April 28, 2006

Premises ID and Animal ID in the NAIS

Greetings, gentle reader.

If you land on these shores looking for information about National Animal Identification System, you've come to the right spot.

I've got an upate for you, especially if you are a Vermonter. Vermont is currently requesting voluntary premises id only (emphasis theirs). There was language added to an appropriations bill that prevented the Agency of Agriculture from making their Rule of Law and asking them to do an educational outreach in each of the 14 counties of Vermont. Be vigilant and look for the dates when they are announced. Come out to the meetings, bring friends and family. Stand up and be heard. We, the people, do not want any part of NAIS.

If you find yourself in the sticky situation of having your premises registered and you did not do so voluntarily, you can, says Mark Bosma, Agency of Agriculture's Pubic Information Officer, call and have your name removed.

There is a new site committed to stopping NAIS. It is LibertyArk Coalition http://libertyark.net/. Please visit them and sign up to be an activist in your state. Activism takes many forms - simply passing out fliers and telling your friends and neighbors, the guys down at the feed store is a very good way to get started. There is a huge internet effort, it was even mentioned in the UK Guardian the other day. Using the resources available online you can get very involved and never have to leave the comfort of your own computer. The day will come though when you will be asked to step outside and join your voice with the 10's of thousands of others, just like you, to say, "NO to NAIS".


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