January 25, 2009

So Much for Live Free New Hampshire

Mandatory Equine Licenses Enacted

by Darol Dickinson~~ 1-26-09

The New Hampshire Municipal Association proudly touts a new special "equine" tax that will increase jobs and create new state income from the estimated 24,000 equine in New Hampshire. A licensing of each and every equine is proposed to be effective July 1, 2009. This is a tax of $25 per horse (equine) and in cases of refusal to comply, the state adds another $50 to slap the cowboys in line. It isn't a smoke screen about export, food safety or disease, it is just a new state income.

Beyond the state lines of New Hampshire, the USDA has been at war with livestock owners to coerce enrollment in the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), a multi-billion dollar scheme to computerize, number and create a permanent surveillance system on all US livestock. This plot is the mother of all numbering scenarios. With the commerce of all US livestock, at the end of three years the total computer movements recorded, and paid for by animal owners, would eclipse the number of the earth's human population.

These draconian sounding tax collection schemes, although totally putrid to animal lovers, are completely sane to bureau-rats who's salary increases, retirement and weekly sustenance depend on innovative ways to transfer wealth from the regulated to the regulators.

Just down the trail to New York 88 new taxes have been deviously hatched by the lowly staff of Governor David Paterson to help pay for his flawed $15.4 billion budget gap. Hookers who have enjoyed a tax break on work clothes worth less than $110, won't any more. An 18% increase on sodas is proposed; higher gas tax, increased taxi tax, boats, cars, rental car taxes, cigars, iPods, etc. Plush governmental cubicles high in the New York sky are filled with think-tank devious minds searching the alleys for a new tax source to increase the regulator's revenue. New York Conservative Party Chairman, Michael Long says, "You're (Gov. Paterson) sending notice to the people of New York that we really don't want you here."

Tribute ideas like the USDA's NAIS, horse licensing and the New York taxationists search the world over to locate new and innovative collection methods. It is one thing to develop a new tax and another to collect it. That is where enforcements are enacted with fines, late penalties, and refusal-to-comply fees.

In Australia a tax called the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) has been operational for several years. Herds of computer toting Biosecurity Officers now stalk the Outback to locate animal owners out of compliance; conviction is up to a $4000 fine for not registering a livestock premises.

The love of companion animals is multiplying in affection world wide. What a sadistic way to create funding, to assess a new tribute for pets, livestock and beloved family animals. Animal licensing is the contemporary government way to tax not just the animal, but the joy and profit of livestock ownership.

In New Hampshire it starts out,

In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Nine,
and then explains for Equine Licenses. Amend RSA 435, Sec 41, etc. In a scoop shovel it is proposed, $25 per year, every year, and each animal must have a number. The number process approved by the USDA is a computer chip, surgically injected under the skin by a USDA licensed veterinarian at a fee of $75 to $125 per equine, depending on how many in the remuda.

The Fiscal Impact: "The Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food and the New Hampshire Municipal Association estimates this bill will increase state and local revenue, and increase local expenditures by an indeterminable amount in FY 2010 and each year thereafter. There will be no fiscal impact on county revenue or state and county expenditures."

On July 1, will the horse owners of New Hampshire migrate to other states or will a large population of equine feces machines establish residence on the Concord State Capitol lawn?

This may be the time and place to rethink the New Hampshire motto: "LIVE FREE OR DIE."

First Australia, the NAIS, the New Hampshire Equine Licenses----all innovations of hostage taxation, which is a spreading livestock disease in itself. The mystery of expanding government is not how it works, but how in the world to make it stop!

More info

www.naisSTINKS.com, Australian Biosecurity, www.dpi.qld.gov.au.

More info on the proposed Equine license law in NH:

HB 427 would require all owners of equines older than 4 months to annually license their animals with the town/city clerk for $25 upon proof that the animal had been vaccinated for rabies. The hearing is set for Tuesday, January 27 th at 1:45 pm before the House Local and Regulated Revenues Committee in Room 303 of the Legislative Office Building

I hope the public descends on that hearing like a plague of locusts!

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