October 8, 2007

Greg Niewendorp Served Warrant, Cattle Tested and Tagged - Meanwhile our big U.S. packing plants are employing TB infected workers...

Greg Niewendorp Served Warrant, Cattle Tested and Tagged Against Niewendorp’s Will

East Jordan, Michigan--Monday October 8, 2007

This morning, agents of the Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA) used a warrant to get on the property of cattle farmer Greg Niewendorp for the purpose of TB testing and ear-tagging his cattle with National Animal Identification System (NAIS) compliant Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ear-tags against Niewendorp’s will. Niewendorp has refused to participate in the dangerous experimental herd testing program and refused the application of the RFID ear tags which force him, against his will, to have his cattle be part of the NAIS.

Charlevoix County Sheriff George Lassiter, who has worked closely with Niewendorp in the events leading up to today’s trespass, served the warrant at 9:00 and soon after MDA agents arrived and began to herd the cattle into pens for testing and tagging. Sheriff Lassiter did not allow the Michigan State Police to participate, contrary to what TB program coordinator Bridget Patrick insisted would be the case when I interviewed her two weeks ago.

Patrick showed up early to be interviewed by the numerous media present (local NBC and CBS affiliates among others). A woman physician among Niewendorp’s local supporters asked Patrick extensive, pointed questions about the nature of TB and the TB eradication program, as did Niewendorp. Independent filmmaker Mark Nixon taped the day’s events including the Patrick interviews.

MDA agents took from 9:00 to 3:00 to pen the cattle they could catch, leaving them panting and without water in near-90 degree weather while they tested and tagged. Though the warrant said “tag” it did not specify RFID tags. When Niewendorp said. “I’m protesting the fact that RIFD tags are being used on my cattle. It’s what puts you into the USDA system,” his formal protest was entered in the day’s report. Unsure how to proceed, the agents called their superiors for orders, were told to use the RFID tags, and proceeded to do so.

NOTE: Mark Nixon will be providing a raw footage DVD of the day which we hope to post on the VICFA and NICFA websites. Please check regularly for non-compliance updates at http://www.vicfa.net and http://www.nicfa.org .

Non-Compliance Relief Fund:
Taking a stand of non-compliance puts a tremendous toll on one’s resources. The National Organization for Raw Materials (NORM) established the Non-Compliance Relief Fund to provide specific support for those like Greg NIewendorp who take such a courageous position. To support Greg and others like him, please donate here (one-time donation or monthly pledge) or send a check made out to NORM to:

Non-Compliance Relief Fund
c/o NORM
680 E 5 Point Highway
Charlotte, MI 48813

Many thanks,
Deborah Stockton, Editor

The Virginia Independent Consumers and Farmers Association (VICFA)
Our purpose is to promote and preserve unregulated direct farmer-to-consumer trade
that fosters availability of locally grown or home-produced food products.
VICFA opposes any government funded or managed National Animal Identification System.

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