January 27, 2007

Toll Road Giant Buys Newspapers to Silence Critics

Do you know about the Trans-Texas Corridor? The idea is to extend the rebuilt I-35 NAFTA super-corridor highway all the way from Laredo, Texas, to Canada, with extensions in Canada to be built out to Montreal in the east and Vancouver in the west. In Mexico, the super-corridor will connect via Mexican railroads with the port at Lazaro Cardenas. It is being built because of the coming North American Union. A good take can be found here. The government's website for the North American Union can be found here. Its name is Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America.

I'm not making this up, folks. This is why you have to wake up to what is going on in Washington. As you learn more, you come to understand how NAIS is just the tip of the iceberg.

Toll Road Giant Buys Newspapers to Silence Critics
Critics charge that the Macquarie purchase of American Consolidated Media is designed to silence critics of a Texas toll road project.

Trans Texas CorridorAustralian toll road giant Macquarie agreed Wednesday to purchase forty local newspapers, primarily in Texas and Oklahoma, for $80 million. Macquarie Bank is Australia's largest capital raising firm and has invested billions in purchasing roads in the US, Canada and UK. Most recently the company joined with Cintra Concesiones of Spain in a controversial 75-year lease of the 157-mile Indiana Toll Road.

Sal Costello, the leading opponent of toll road projects as head of the Texas Toll Party, says the move is directly related to a 4000-mile toll road project known as the Trans-Texas Corridor. It will cost between $145 and $183 billion to construct the road, expected to be up to 1200 feet wide, requiring the acquisition of 9000 square miles of land in the areas through which it will pass.

"The newspapers are the main communication tool for many of the rural Texan communities, with many citizens at risk of losing their homes and farms through eminent domain," Costello wrote.

Many of the small papers purchased, most have a circulation of 5000 or less, have been critical of the Trans-Texas Corridor. An article in the Bonham Journal for example, states, "The toll roads will be under control of foreign investors, which more than frustrates Texans."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I posted your blog on "NOWPUBLIC" please join us and post your North American Union stories. I've posted a few about the subject and gotten quite a few views. The site allows you to post news that, of course the mainstream won't. I am DIG THE HEAVY on now public. Go here to my page and please contribute these good stories with us.


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