January 15, 2007

Farmer's Field Guide to the NAIS

Can YOU answer these questions?

1) What is the legal nature of the contract that I enter into when I sign up for a U.S. Premises Identification Number?

2) If I want to, can I rescind that contract at any time?

3) Does the U.S. Premises Identification Number “cloud” the title to my property?

4) When I get a U.S. Premises Identification Number, does my farm become subject to the regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture?

5) What is the legal nature of the contract that I enter into when I buy a tag or RFID-chip with the U.S. Animal Identification Number on it?

6) Does the U.S. Animal Identification Number attached to my animal restrict my ownership of that animal?

7) When I attach a tag or RFID-chip with the U.S. Animal Identification Number to my animal, does my animal become subject to the regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture?

8) Do U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations preempt all State and local laws and regulations that are in conflict with the USDA’s regulation?

9) Who owns the information that I am being asked to give to the National Animal Identification System about my farm and animals?

10) Is the Department of Homeland Security in charge of enforcing the Animal Health Protection Act of 2002?

11) Is the National Animal Identification System authorized for general, public use by the Office of Management & Budget (OMB)?

12) What gives the U.S. Department of Agriculture enforcement authority in this State?

You can learn the answers here: Free To Farm

After you educate yourself, ask those same questions of your State Representatives, Mayor and Governor.

If you, as a citizen of the United States, can't answer these questions then you should not be signing on the dotted line. If by chance you do get answers from your Representative, Mayor or Governor, come back and post a comment.

One more thing. If you received a survey from USDA/NASS you will want to refer to this article at Nonais.org before you decide what to do. One side of the USDA/NASS mouth says it is mandatory, another side says it is voluntary. Be educated to make educated decisions.

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