January 25, 2007

Burnt Orange Report - Don't Tag Texas

Interesting to see Texas rise up inspite of the We Want a Voluntary NAIS put forth by Liberty Ark and FARFA. I read that FARFA put a notice about this on their website but did not give credit where credit is due, typical of how they operate. I didn't check that out myself, so I don't know if they have changed it on the website or not.

I am glad to see the way the Lord makes it all work together for the good of all.

Don't Tag Texas!

by: hank

Tue Jan 23, 2007 at 14:24:49 PM CST

(Declare independence from the tag! - promoted by John McClelland)

After a little rest and re-aquaintance with my family, it's now time to get back to work. Rather than taking "baby steps", I've decided to run the marathon. Let me explain.

During my recent campaign for Agriculture Commissioner, I made a pledge to the people of Texas. Win, lose or draw, I was going to organize a march on the state capitol protesting the Trans-Texas Corridor and the National Animal I.D. System. This journal is to inform you about the upcoming event, appropriately named, "Don't Tag Texas!"

On March 2,2006 (fittingly Texas Independence Day), the march will occur. It will begin at 2:00 p.m. with a march up Congress Ave. to the capitol. The rally will commence somewhere around 2:30 and go until 5:30 or 6:00 p.m. Every member of the house and senate, along with every member of the state executive branch, will receive a personal invitation.

THIS WILL NOT BE A POLITICAL RALLY. It is a true bipartisian event to protest these two issues; Issues that will affect every citizen of our state and country. We are in the process of assembling speakers for the event. Many will be national figures, as well as leaders of some well-entrenched state organizations.

My goal is to garner national attention with this rally, so that the rest of the country can see what is going to happen to them if we don't stop this in Texas. I have already garnered support from other activists in outside states that have committed to attend. I will do a series of national radio shows between now and then to draw even more outside support. We hope to have national media and talk-shows present as well.

In order for this to be succesful and make Governor Perry, Lt. Governor Dewhurst, Ric Williamson and others to understand, we have to have numbers. My goal for this rally is 250,000 to 500,000 people. We are working with over 100 groups in Texas to make this happen. We already have committments for tractors, horses and other farm implements in the parade march.

We will be posting a web page in a couple of days to my website, www.hankgilbert.com, that can be linked to other sites and/or emails. We need the word to get out everywhere. I need your help to get this done. Just like you supported me during the campaign, I need you now. Help me to show the "powers at be" what we can do if backed into a corner. Together, we will "take back Texas!

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